Who Says Quiet People are Boring?
Life newsletter #8, mini interview with the man of the hour David Perlmutter, and other exciting updates.
I was inspired to write this week’s newsletter based on a quote from Winston’s article — “Never judge a quiet-looking person at any time because you never know how capable a person really is under that quiet appearance” and my response to it:
This resonated with me — where I live/work the louder people get heard more, receive more recognition and are considered friendly — I used to resent this but then again there was a time my self esteem was very low.What I've realized from work and personal life that it doesn't matter - what matters is your energy, your personality which will attract the right people into your life.
I am quiet and reserved by nature but that doesn’t mean I’m antisocial or boring.
However, I enjoy interactions in small doses.
And that’s okay too.
How about you? What are your thoughts?
I kind of felt this was the perfect intro to segue into the interview section where I’m happy to present the man of the hour, master stealth highlighter, amazing supporter of writers, and fellow quiet person, David Perlmutter