Hey Carm, we seem to have come a long way from way back when :) - Glad to see that some of us are still around doing our thing despite everything that is happening
I recall how I used to read your Meta articles for valuable info - I upgraded to FoM in December - just like you I wanted to support my community - I still think community is very important - true it may have been the same writers reading each other trying to coelevate one another but 2 things
1. Firstly pure readers don't engage so if a writer likes engagement then you can't just publish and expect a high level of engagement to miraculously appear
2. Writers/readers keep leaving - so many of the familiar faces in 2021/22 have left - it is up to the writer to be able to reach new readers and expand their community if they so choose -
Lol - now I wrote an essay in the comments :)