Being an Introvert Doesn’t Mean I Am Inadequate

So don’t judge it as a problem

Yana Bostongirl
4 min readApr 7, 2024
Young woman posing on beach with a blanket
Photo by Freepik

No shallow socializing

My neighbor and I are the same age and friendly to each other, however, we’re not exactly friends. The past holiday weekend, she wasn’t home or even if she was, it must have been very late because she was booked to the hilt with parties and family visiting from out of state

I, on the other hand, spent the weekend at home not only because I haven’t been feeling well, but also because I cherish my solitude.

Shocking right?

I know. I am the odd one among other women from my social circle who tend to think that one empty day in their social calendar is a personal indication of failure.

All the fingers on my hands wouldn’t be enough to count the number of times I have heard people say staying at home would make them: “Climb the walls,” “Become depressed,” or “Bicker more with spouse/kids/inlaws.”

Then there are the personal attacks: “You must be depressed to stay home” or the dreaded “She stays home because she has no friends” or the judgmental: “She’s so aloof she must have a high opinion of herself!”

Hustle culture could be the culprit for this contrast where busyness is associated with social success…



Yana Bostongirl

💕I am a Boston-based blogger who writes about love, life & relationships💕| My Substack is Yana's World 🦋 🦋 Come say hi!